Welcome to AskPharmaTutor Quiz of Basic Microbiology Follow the instructions below to attempt the quiz Choose one best option only Follow the timeline After attempting all the questions click on submit to get your result 1. Which of the following ability of bacterial capsules is linked to the virulence? Antibody Binding B lymphocyte activation Antibacterial penetration of bacterial cells Phagocytosis None 2. Which body part contains largest microbial population? Stomach Mouth Small intestine Large intestine None 3. The most common nosocomial infection is Urinary tract infection Surgical site infection Pneumonia Blood stream infections None 4. Which of the following step in gram staining is most likely to cause false result? Excessive heat during fixation Prolonged decolorization Excessive counter staining Excessive washing between steps None 5. Which of the following statement is not true about Pseudomonas? It is Rod-shaped It has maximal growth requirement It is motile It is found in soil, water and plants None 6. The most common cause of nosocomial infection is Virus Fungi Bacteria All of the above None 7. In which of the bacterial growth phase, secondary metabolites are produced? Lag Log Stationary Decline None 8. Colony-forming unit per ml is the unit of Microscopic count Electronic enumeration Plate count Turbidimetric method None 9. Which one of the following is considered to be the most frequently traveled portal of entry? GIT Respiratory tract Skin Parenteral None 10. Which of the following is correct sequence for the taxonomic ranking of viruses? Domain, Kingdom, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Phylum, Species Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Family, Order, Genus, Species Domain, Class, Phylum, Kingdom, Order, Family, Genus, Species None Welcome to AskPharmaTutor Quiz of Basic Microbiology II Follow the instructions below to attempt the quiz Choose one best option only Follow the timeline After attempting all the questions click on submit to get your result 1. Moderant in gram staining Crystal iodine Crystal violet Alcohol None 2. Which one of the following is wall less bacteria? Mycobacterium Treponema Mycoplasma Clostridium None 3. The linkage between NAM and NAG of peptidoglycan layer is beta-(1,4) glycosidic linkage alpha-(1,4) glycosidic linkage alpha-(1,6) glycosidic linkage beta-(1,6) glycosidic linkage None 4. Papillomaviruses causes Papilloma Warts Both A & B None of these None 5. A structural component that is found in all viruses is The envelope DNA Capsid Spikes None 6. The only microorganisms surviving UHT treatment are Bacterial spores Vegetative bacteria Fungi Viruses None 7. Endotoxin is present in outer membrane of cell wall of gram-negative bacteria, known as Polysaccharides Lipopolysaccharides Sugars Lipid None 8. Which of the following has dextran? Staph. aureus E. coli Psedumonas None 9. What is the color of colonies of Staphylococcus aureus? Pink Red Violet Gold None 10. The general specification of pressure in Autoclave is 21 psi 15 psi 20 psi None