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Myths About Acne Related to Food

Myths About Acne Related to Food

As far as my previous topic is a concern it’s all about why do I have acne. This topic covers acne causes and some of its home remedies. For a long time, the majority of people think that acne is linked to some of the food. Is so? Still, the acne and the food-related problem are myths? Let’s take a thorough review of it.

Milk & the Dairy Products:

Myths about using dairy food linked with acne are very common. This category changes its scenario from person to person but the fact that those foods that are high in the glycemic index having more tendency to cause acne because it leads to an increase in the levels of insulin growth factor 1 (IGF -1). But as far the milk is a concern the major content is the hormone produces by the cow during pregnancy.

As far as the case studies are a concern it is said the contents of milk mainly stimulates the pilosebaceous units is (IGF 1). The (IGF 10 are mainly situated in keratinocytes in the epidermis.

IGF-1 puts influence on adrenal glands that in turn increase the production of the androgen from ovaries and testes which in turn leads to acne.  While at fasting state or at the postprandial time the levels of insulin are low so lowers the lesions threshold.

The is available in markets or stores is not actually enrich in progesterone obtained from placenta but it contains certain chemical precursors that can convert very easily into dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

However, the skim milk that doesn’t contain chemicals like above but more likely to cause acne its lack in estrogen that is helpful in reducing acne.

But still, it is controversial varies from person to person physiological conditions.


Everyone likes to eat chocolate as much as he or she can. The chocolate mystery related to acne is still unclear however the milk chocolate can cause more acne as the high glycemic effect and other chemicals of milk as compared to dark chocolate which is less in sugar and milk. If someone has acne after regular eating of chocolate after 5 to 6 days then by common sense he should have to stop eating.

Oily Foods:

Oily foods when listening about this word you yes its oil that is the reason but in actual it is not the major reason eating oil foods is something else while working in an oily environment like in kitchen or cooking is else because working in that environment can clog the pores not by eating the oily foods. But the oily foods like potatoes that are rich in carbs can make a spike in glycemic levels can lead to acne.

Drinking Sodas:

Sodas or carbonating drinks are very high in sugar levels can lead to an abrupt spike in glycemic levels that will increase in insulin levels that lead to acne if some are drinking on regular routines.

Dietary fibers:

The exact is still unknown but consuming dietary fibers can reduce the prevalence of acne as the dietary fibers control the blood sugar levels.  Oatmeal, beans, apples, and carrots are good foods as fibers additions.

Fatty Acids:

Omega- 6 to Omega -3 consumption has a tendency to decrease the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This can reduce acne if a person eats seafood like fish or salmon according to the study in North Carolina.

Vitamin A:

The carotenoids obtained from both animals and plants like eggs, fish, milk, etc. have the capability to reduce acne.


Nuts that consist of Vitamin E and Selenium (the antioxidants) are beneficial in reducing acne. These are good for you in several other ways as well.


So it’s all food that can cause acne and can help to heal it. Sometimes the myth remains the myth as long no research conduct on it. Acne nowadays is no longer remains a myth but has a lot of research on it.

Acne treatment along with or without food changes from person to person. So one must refrain from taking some food or start consuming depends upon a person’s physiological needs. One should see a doctor for a proper diagnosis to treat acne in severe cases.

For further understanding about Acne please read my article Why Do I Have Acne?   

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