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04 Diets Affecting Your Mental Health

The brain is the most integral part of human body without it the body can not move. Mental health is a serious issue in the present era. If your brain works better then it directly impacts your body performance. According to medical experts a healthy diet is very important for all our body organs. If you do not take a healthy diet in your daily routine then it will have a serious impact on your body health.

We are eating a few things in our daily routine which we do not even know how much they are vulnerable to our health. Let us talk about these risky diets which are seriously affecting your mental health.

Sugary Drinks

Cold drinks and energy drinks which include carbonated water is a major cause of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and dementia. If you make a habit of drinking sugary drinks in your daily routine then you playing with your mental health.

Sugary drinks include artificial sweeteners which if taken on regular basis results in reducing learning ability, memory and mental health.

Refined Carbohydrates

The carbohydrates which are processed in several steps are termed as refined carbohydrates. These carbohydrates include bread, rusk, biscuits, etc. Eating refined carbohydrates in our daily routine results in increasing blood sugar. Ultimately this will lead to a decrease in memory, thinking ability and finally dementia.

Fried Food

Although fried foods are very delicious to eat but have you ever think that how these foods are affecting our health? Consuming oily food is a major cause of obesity and high body cholesterol level.

Obesity is directly linked to our brain. A fatty person is always slow in his daily routine work. As time passes on it will result in dementia.

Eating Too Much Meat

Meat is good for human health but eating too much meat will result in various diseases. According to research eating meat in our daily routine increases the chance to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Meat is rich in iron contents. Consumption of a high amount of iron in our diet may result in affecting mental health.


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