Learn HPLC: The Ultimate Guide for Learners & Buyers

Are you planning to learn or buy an HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography)? Buying an HPLC can be a tough job especially when you do not have expertise in it. The interesting thing for you is that we are with you. After helping 1000+ buyers buying the right HPLC, we have planned to make the most detailed guide on how to buy an HPLC without having technical knowledge.

The guide is easy to read and follow whether you are in your early 20’s or 50+ age. Anyhow, if you still need our help in selecting the right model of HPLC, our technical team is available 24/7 for your help free.

Which things you need to need to know before buying a HPLC?

A brief knowledge about HPLC and its applications

Your careful attention for 15 minutes to read this guide.

Yes, only 15 minutes you need to understand, how to buy HPLC and you will pass through the whole steps.

In this guide, you will cover.

HPLC Overview

Working Principle of HPLC

Types of HPLC based on Operational Method

Main Parts of HPLC

Quality Parameters Checking of HPLC

Trouble Shooting of Common Problems, which occurs during Operation.

HPLC Applications

Merits and demerits of HPLC

Famous brands of HPLC

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

In this chapter you are going to learn about chromatography and its types, its major concern is about High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Chromatography is a separating technique, in which separation is done on the basis of the structure of the molecule in two-phase (i.e. Mobile phase and Stationary phase)

               The stationary phase is a solid or a liquid material packed in a column and a mobile phase is a liquid or a gas that flows through the stationary phase. The mobile phase flows through the stationary phase and carries the components of the mixture with it. The component of a mixture, which shows stronger interactions with the stationary phase, will retain in the stationary phase while the component of the mixture, which dissolves in the mobile phase, will move with it and elute first.

               HPLC stands for High performance Liquid chromatography or high-pressure liquid chromatography as it uses a high-pressure liquid mobile phase than gases used in Gas chromatography.

               HPLC is an analytical technique used for the separation of components of the organic mixture of compounds when such compounds are nonvolatile, thermally unstable, and have relatively high molecular weights. 

Working principle of HPLC

               In the previous chapter you learn about the introduction of HPLC, now in this chapter, you will learn about the working principle of HPLC. The working principle of HPLC is based on the distribution of the sample between a mobile phase (eluent) and a stationary phase (packing material of the column). Molecule retarded in stationary phase and separate on the basis of difference in retention time. The component of a mixture which retain in the stationary phase elute later, as compared to that which dissolves in the mobile phase.

Agilent HPLC

Types of HPLC

This section will help you to learn different types of HPLC.

Types of HPLC, Based on mode of separation

1. Normal Phase HPLC

In this type of HPLC, components are separated on the basis of polarity.  In the Normal phase HPLC, the polar stationary phase is used with the non-polar mobile phase. The stationary phase is usually silica and the mobile phase is Hexane, Methylene Chloride, Chloroform, Diethyl ether, and mixtures of these.

As the Stationary phase is polar in normal phase HPLC therefore, the Retention time of Polar samples on the polar surface of the column is longer and they elute later than less polar materials.

2. Reverse Phase HPLC

               In this type of HPLC, the stationary phase is non-polar in nature, while the mobile phase is a polar liquid i.e. mixtures of water and Methanol or Acetonitrile. It works on the principle of hydrophobic interactions hence retention time of non-polar material is longer than polar material.

Note: Reverse phase chromatography is more commonly used as drugs are usually Hydrophilic.

3. Size-exclusion HPLC

In this type of HPLC, the Column used is filled with a material having control pore size and separate the components on the basis of size. Large size molecules pass through the column while small size molecules penetrate inside the pores of the packing material and due to having large retention time elute later. 

4. Ion-Exchange HPLC

In this type of HPLC, The stationary phase has a charged surface of opposite charge to the sample ions.

 The sample with a strong charge will be attracted to the ionic surface, due to this attraction its retention time will increase and elute later. The mobile phase is an aqueous buffer, where both pH and ionic strength are used to control elution time.

(Learn) Types of HPLC Based on Elution technique:

Isocratic Elution:

               A separation in which the composition of the mobile phase remains the same throughout the procedure. In isocratic elution, peak width increases due to high retention time which directly relates to the number of theoretical plates. This leads to the disadvantage that late eluting peaks become broad and flat.

Gradient Elution:

               A separation in which the composition of the mobile phase is changed during the procedure. Gradient elution decreases the retention of later-eluting components and gives narrow peaks and also improves the peak shape and height.

Main parts of HPLC

Now it is the time to learn about some main parts of HPLC. The components of HPLC are following,

1. Solvent Reservoir

The mobile phase contained in a glass reservoir. In HPLC, the mobile phase is normally a mixture of polar and non-polar liquid components whose compositions are changed by changing the composition of the sample.

Solvent Reservoir

2. Pump

A pump sucks the mobile phase from the solvent reservoir and forces it to pass through the system’s column and detector. The pressure of the pump depends on a number of factors including column dimensions, the particle size of the stationary phase, the flow rate, and the composition of the mobile phase. Depending on these factors the operating pressures can be generated up to 42000 kPa (about 6000 psi).


3. Sample Injector

There are two types of injectors used for HPLC i.e. a single injection or an automated injection system. An injector for the HPLC system should provide an injection of the liquid sample within the range of 0.1-100 mL of volume with high reproducibility and under high pressure.

Sample Injector

4. Columns

The column is known as the heart of the HPLC. Columns are usually made up of polished stainless steel polished internally to a mirror finish. They are of different lengths and internal diameters. They are commonly filled with a stationary phase (a solid or a liquid) with a particle size of 3–10 µm.

HPLC Column

Types of columns:

Following are the types of columns

Standard analytical column: Its length is 10-30 cm and inter diameter is 4-5 mm

Microbore columns: Its length is 10-25 cm and inter diameter is 1-2 mm

Semi preparative: Its length is 10-25 cm and inter diameter is 7-10 mm

Preparative columns: Its length is 10-25 cm and inter diameter is 20-40 mm

5. Detector

The HPLC detector is present at the end of the column to detect the analytes as they elute from the chromatographic column.

Following are different detector used in HPLC.

Diode array detectors (DAD):

These are microprocessor-controlled photodiode array spectrophotometers in which the light from an ultraviolet source passes through the flow cell into a polychromator which disperses the bean so that the full spectrum falls on the array of diodes.

UV/VIS Absorption Detectors:

Different compounds absorb different amounts of light in the UV and visible regions. A beam of UV light is shined through the analyte after it is eluted from the column. A detector is on the opposite side measure how much light is absorbed and transmitted.

The Fluorescence Detector

Measure the ability of a compound to absorb then re-emit light at given wavelengths, some compounds will absorb specific wavelengths of light which raising it to a higher energy state. When the compound returns to its ground state, it will release a specific wavelength of light which can be detected.

Electrochemical Detectors (ECDs):

Used for compounds that undergo oxidation and reduction reactions. The detector measures the current produced as the result of oxidation and reduction reaction of the analyte at a suitable electrode. The current level is directly proportional to the concentration of the analyte present.

Conductivity Detector:

This detector records the mobile phase conductivity changes as different sample components are eluted from the column.

6. Data Collection Devices

Signals from the detector collected on chart recorders vary in their ability to process, store and reprocess chromatographic data. The computer integrates the response of the detector to each component and places it into a chromatograph that is easy to read.

Quality parameters of HPLC

Here, in this chapter, you are going to learn about some quality parameters of HPLC. The Quality parameters of HPLC are as following


Temperature of column

Flow rate

Run time


Injection volume

Type of elution( isocratic or gradient)

But mind it these parameters are varied from compound to compound. For pregabalin parameters of HPLC have their own fixed values which are listed below

Wavelength            UV 210 nm
Temperature                 30°C
Flow Rate                          1mL/min
Run Time                         1.3 times the retention time of pregabalin
Injection Volume 20µL


Trouble shooting of common problems

The best way to learn HPLC is to learn some basic trouble shooting. Some normally occurring errors are as follow with there solutions

  1. Abnormal pressure

No pressure reading, no flow     

Possible CauseSolution
Power off                                                        turn on power
Controller setting                                          verifies proper setting
Air trapped in pump head                          Degas pump before running mobile phase
Faulty check valve                                        replace check valve
Major leak                                                       Tighten the valve or replace fitting

High back pressure 

Possible cause                                               Solution
Improper mobile phase               use a correct mobile phase
Improper column                                           use proper column
Injector blockage                                           remove blockage
Low column temperature                            raises column temperature

Low back pressure

Flow set too slow                                       set flow rate
Column temperature too high    maintain column temperature
Leak in system                          locate and correct the temperature
column                                               use proper temperature

2. Column leak

Loose end fitting               tighten end fitting
Column packing in the ferrule                           rinse ferrule
Improper frit thickness                  use proper frit

3. Problems with the chromatogram

Many issues in the liquid chromatography system appear due to changes in the chromatogram. Some of these can be solved by changes in the instrument; however, other problems require modification of the assay procedure. Setting the proper column type, pre-column or guard column, tubing’s, detector cell and mobile phase are keys to good chromatography.


HPLC applications

HPLC gives information about the resolution, identification, and quantification of a compound. It is also used in chemical separation and purification. The other applications of HPLC include:

Pharmaceutical Applications

To control drug stability.

Tablet dissolution study of pharmaceutical dosages form.

Pharmaceutical quality control.

Environmental Applications

Detection of phenolic compounds in drinking water.

Bio-monitoring of pollutants.

Applications in Forensics

Quantification of drugs in biological samples.

Identification of steroids in blood, urine etc.

Forensic analysis of textile dyes.

Determination of cocaine and other drugs of abuse in blood, urine etc.

Food and Flavour

Measurement of Quality of soft drinks and water.

Sugar analysis in fruit juices.

Analysis of polycyclic compounds in vegetables.

Preservative analysis.

Applications in Clinical Tests

Urine analysis, antibiotics analysis in blood.

Used to isolation metabolites from biological fluids.

It is used to remove impurities.

It is used to determine drug estimation from drug formulations.


Advantages and disadvantages of HPLC


The advantages of HPLC are as follows:

It can test both raw materials and finished products.
It is helpful in solving product failure problems.
It can detect contaminants and other impurities.
It can determine product stability and shelf life.
The testing can be done even with just a small sample size.
It enables you to modify the testing depending on the needed quantification level.
The results it produced are reliable.
It is helpful in developing better products.


The disadvantages of HPLC are as follows:


Coelution separation of two compounds with similar structures. Coelution makes the elution of the mixture difficult.

Adsorbed Compounds

Some compounds bind strongly that they are essentially never released from the beads in the column and are never measured in the solution.


Although HPLC is much more efficient but is much more costly than developing other assays for separating compounds. Small companies cannot afford this.


This requires a highly skilled technician to monitor the column at all times and make sure that the process is running exactly as planned.


Famous Brands of HPLC

 You will learn about the latest models of HPLC of famous brands. Following are the Famous brands of HPLC.


 Most recent series of Shimadzu is New Nexera Series

Sr. No.ModelFeatures
1Nexra XS/X3It is compatible with wide range of analysis conditions from conventional HPLC analysis to ultra-high separation analysis.
2Nexra XRThis is UHPLC like model is the new standard for the shimadzu LC series.
3Nexra LiteThis is conventional HPLC model.


 Latest model of Agilent HPLC is 1260 Infinity II LC System

 Specifications of Agilent model are as follow

Column Capacity4
Depth                                             468mm
Flow range                                                0.05 to 5 mL/min
Injection range                                                               0.1-100 µL          0.1-900 µL with Extended Injection Range Option
Line voltage                                       100-240 VAC                                    
Pump type                                        Isocratic, Gradient                           
System pressure operating range              up to 600 bar                  
Width                 435 mm 


Latest models of waters HPLC are as follow with their features

Sr. No.ModelFeatures
1Alliance HPLC systemThe industry-standard HPLC platform with versatile, dependable performance, flexible system configurations.
2Arc HPLC systemCount on the Arc HPLC System for high-efficiency separations 
3Breeze QS HPLC With a choice of multiple components to build your own liquid chromatography system, the Breeze QS HPLC System delivers out standing .
4Acquity Arc systemThe ACQUITY Arc System is a quaternary-based, modern LC system for scientists working with established methods
7Specialized LC systemsPortfolio of purpose-built solutions for specific applications and workflows.
6Supercritical Fluid chromatographySupercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) systems provide an environmentally-friendly approach to analytical and purification applications.

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